About us


Dr. Akasha is the founder of Arabic - English Translation & Editing Services - AETES 24. Dr. Akasha graduated from the University of Salford - UK in 2003 MA English - Arabic Translation. Then taught English for several years before completing the PhD degree at Washington State University in 2014. 


Editor & Proofreader

Andreas Philip Gross

Born in Eastern Washington State, USA, Andreas is an elementary school teacher & educational leader, life coach, webmaster, and experienced academic paper editor and proofreader.  He has spent many years living and working internationally which has helped him develop a knack for words and different communication styles.  Apart from his love of writing and appreciation of the writing process since childhood, Andreas’s career as a teacher has given him both professional training and continual almost daily professional practice in editing and proofreading the works of others from a wide variety of ages and backgrounds.  His specific work as an English Language teacher for a number of years has further enhanced his language-related skill set.   Andreas currently lives in Eastern China with his family where he is an Academic Coordinator at a large K-12 bilingual school.  Andreas is one of the primary go-to people at the school for editing and proofreading internal Chinese-to-English translated documents for grammatical correctness, flow, and fluency before official release.